Aloha Everyone!
Starting tomorrow (April 29, 2015) and lasting for five days the eBook Pyramid Rising: Planetary Acupuncture to Combat Climate Change will be FREE (normally $2.99) on Amazon.com. Please take this time to read my first book and learn the importance of pyramids and why they were built, and even how you can build your own! The pyramids are shown to help reduce earthquake size and frequency by interacting with negative ions and telluric currents. They help promote vegetative growth, spiritual growth, meditative states, plant/dairy/meat dehydration and have many other interesting properties. Learn more about pyramids here. Pyramid Rising was originally written as a blog post (and thus, free) on my alternative news and apparel website Apparently Apparel shortly after I happened to notice a connection between natural disasters and ancient stone structures like pyramids and megaliths. I thought the information needed to be shared far and wide before any more disasters took place. The blog post was picked up by a new publishing company and sold as one of their first completed books, and eventually made into paperback. After starting my own publishing company, Kahuna Research Group Publishing, I decided to re-publish Pyramid Rising with a new cover and extra chapters now that I had more control over the creative process. I now offer these creative publishing services to writers and aspiring authors worldwide, and because of Pyramid Rising, I've now written four of my own books and helped on many others. It's become a passion of mine, writing books that is, and helping others get theirs published too. Were pyramids built to reduce the intensity of earthquakes and other natural disasters? Using specific placements of pyramids and other massive constructions, it would seem ancient civilizations across the globe knew exactly how to interact with the Earth's subtle forces, and they did. Think of it as "acupuncture on a planetary scale." People seek acupuncture for certain illness, when energy pathways, known as meridians are blocked. The human body and the earth are constructed in a similar way, the saying "As Above, So Below" is more than just a saying...it's a universal Truth, which I emphasized in this book. Note: While writing Pyramid Rising, I learned from a colleague that rebuilding the pyramid grid as it once was might also correct the wandering North and South Poles, locking them into place once again, quite possibly giving us back the perfect 360 day year. Could that have been the ultimate reason for their construction - to lock in magnetic North? Were they part of a global "geoengineering" project to reduce climate change? Or were they simply built as gigantic (and very obvious) tombs for the Pharaohs and Kings of ancient civilizations? Everyone has a theory about why the pyramids were built. Please visit and like the Pyramid Rising Facebook page and be sure to search for the "Global Pyramids Consortium" on Facebook to join in the daily conversation!
Hawaii is a state of United States comprising an archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands in the central Pacific Ocean. The erstwhile known as the Sandwich Islands, the Hawaiian Islands became the U.S. territory in 1900. The Hawaiian Islands include eight major islands including Nihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lānai, Kahoolawe, Maui and the Island of Hawaii and many islets.
A British explorer, Captain James Cook, discovered the Hawaiian Islands and named them as 'the Sandwich Islands'. The Hawaiian Islands were united for the first time under a single ruler, King Kamehameha the Great. Hawaii became the 50th state of United States in 1959. The state of hawaii is also known as "the Aloha State". Aloha is acknowledgment that can be used as greeting. The state is the southernmost part of that country, situated 2500 miles from the mainland. HI is the abbreviation of Hawaii. Honolulu is the capital and the largest city of the state. Hawaiian and English are the official languages of the state. Tourism is one of the cornerstones of Hawaiian economy. The tourism is the largest industry in Hawaii. Hawaii is sometimes called "the paradise of the Pacific" because of its exquisite beauty including abundant sunshine, lush green plants & gay flowers, palm-fringed, coral beaches with rolling white surf, and mesmerizing cloud-covered volcanic peaks rising to majestic heights. The hawaii vacations, hawaii cruises and hawaii vacation packages are the hottest tourism deals. The hawaii beach vacation, hawaii honeymoon vacation, romantic hawaii vacation, hawaii family vacation and hawaii golf vacation are the most coveted vacation. The hawaii hotels are sheer manifestations of romantic luxuries. The major attractions of hawaii include Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail, Haleakala National Park, Haleakala Wilderness, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii Volcanoes Wilderness, Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, Honolulu Engineer District Pacific Regional Visitor Center (PRVC), James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge, Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, Kona Historical Society, Lyman Museum and Mission House, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve, Oahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Pu`uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park, Puukohola Heiau National Historic Site, U S S Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Akaka Falls, Na Pali Coast, Satellite Image etc. Na Leo o Hawaii means "the Voice of Hawaii" - and Na Leo o Hawaii Community Television is a non-profit program that is open to anyone who lives on the Big Island. They have a video production class once a month that teaches you how to make videos, and once you complete two public service announcement videos for them, you're a certified producer and are able to borrow camera equipment for free as long as you submit at least one 15 minute video every three months. The class costs $100 and the first course is offered for free to see if you like it.
I'm hoping to help our community speak out about anything & everything and I have up to two hours on Cable Channel 53 (Oceanic Time Warner) to play with. I'm looking for interesting show ideas and/or people to help highlight the many things happening around our island. I'm also looking for a small production crew (extra camera-person, editor, etc.) to work with. Message me if you would like to be a part of the new team. I have my list of production ideas that I've been working on...but if you have one that you feel I can help with, please email or text me or leave a comment here on this post and I'll get back to you shortly. Aloha! Zach Royer, CLPIWriter | Publisher | Zach's Books: